

10AM and I am already over an hour in my bed. And yeah for many of us it is fine since it’s Sunday and it’s cold outside. But that is just an excuse. A safe zone. And I don’t want to stay in my safe zone. I need to do something and feel myself doing something.

Because I need to feel alive. While the city is still sleeping and relaxing. I can’t. Because staying too safe and too long at my safe zone is not safe. My mind protests and challenges my body. The libra scale is too heavy on one side and I must balance it out.

But where can this motivation for me to get up and do something on a day like this? Not from a book surely. I don’t need a story from someone else to tell me how to live and how did he or she succeed. Because that is not applicable in my life. I must learn by myself. And put my life to the test. And myself. I can’t control c and control v someone’s life. Despite not going to the prison for that I should! It is one of the greatest sins.

No, I must find my motivation within me. From my feelings towards the world. From my perception and from the way we see the world. Each one of us differently. Some more special like me. Or you. I for example find it on a daily basis. By seeing the smiling kid in the market. By seeing the crying kid which when it sees me cries but it’s curious of who is this face that sees me and smiles. I find it in the people that clean the streets and the only cars I hear on a morning like this. I find it in looking above and seeing a plane the sky and knowing that people are reaching their destination safely. Their happiness is my happiness.

I also find my motivation in looking at myself in the mirror after a gym session. Yes, it might be egoistic and yes it might be vanity but there is something about the shape of our bodies, feeling good and motivation. I also motivate myself when I hear someone listen some popular music with 0 quality and I know that my next song will be some criminally underrated song which is amazing. Because of the fact that I have that good taste of things that I can decide and deduce quality. And then that will motivate me. Easily.

Just like you can deduce whether this post is worth reading or not. We do it automatically. And we all motivate ourselves in different ways. Just like I did to write this post and by writing it realizing I must head out.

Sincerely yours, CS



It’s Friday. For many of us end of the working week.

The weather outside is gloomy and cloudy. My morning coffee feels different and my first daily cigarette feels different on days like these. Kinda better. There is always something special, a special sort of connection between a morning like this one and your morning coffee/tea. All that combined with the legendary Massive Attack and one of their most famous songs Paradise Circus make for a special atmosphere and an ideal start of a day with a weather like this.

I’ve noticed that the way we start our mornings is quite important. It’s important for our daily work our daily functioning and it prepares us for the daily challenges each of us faces throughout the day. Whether that is taking a plane early in the morning, starting our car and going to work, going on a prolonged weekend to the mountains, or simply opening up WordPress like me and starting to write a post, the way we start our morning is crucial on how will we “perform” throughout the day. It’s crucial on how the others we exchange information with, whether that is people online, on social media, colleagues, servers, machines perceive us. If we are tired and didn’t sleep well or/and didn’t wake up properly, listened to Miley Cirus instead they all affect our behaviour and the way we transmit ourselves and our energy to the rest of the world around us.

And that is pretty significant because if we feel good in the morning (as I feel right now) we will feel good also later. Not necessarily true, but it’s an important building block. The time when we wake up is also important. For a person that wakes up without an alarm and never gets late to work, waking up when most around me are sleeping lets me asses the day and the world better. There is that beautiful silence when you wake up at 6 or 7 AM, before the others, where you just enjoy the environment, your mind slowly turns the lights and switches on, and is prepared for the challenges. But is one day enough? Is waking up today at 7 and tomorrow at 12PM and then at 9AM that important. Of course it is. Our bodies like routine. The more we standardize the times we go to sleep and we make it a pattern, even if I am not a big fan of patterns and repetitive things, the better our bodies feel and the better we will feel. We will start our day better and in many case more productive. However productivity is measured.

You can’t not enjoy mornings like these ones. Where you have time for everything even if time is limited and it’s the most undervalued resource that many of us neglect, and you can be yourself, before presenting yourself to the world. Like I will when I hit that publish button. And that will make me feel better, because before starting work, I already did something I like. And life is all about doing the things we like in the best moments possible. We must grasp every challenge, issue, moment, detail of life and enjoy it. Because life is beautiful. Especially on mornings like this one.

Time to take a shower and head out.

Sincerely yours,



Christmas spirit

Christmas is certainly a magical period.

You can just feel the magic all around you. The inevitable decorations, the happy kids and children all around you that are content that they have received a present, to the less stressed people that are using the period to stay with their families relax and recharge their batteries. Albeit unfortunately a more and more materialistic holiday, where many just care to buy gifts (without really thinking about who are their buying the gift to) and send virtual gift cards to everyone that they know without much emotion whilst they wish you a merry Christmas. You can just sense the veil of falseness and fake wishes from just about everyone. Regardless of all of this, as I stated in my first sentence, it’s a magical period. And for me, this year, the magic originated from a completely different source.

A while ago through one of the projects I am working on, I met an unusual girl. And as many of you, I like mystery, the unusual, distinction and different experiences. I like things and stories that are not following a certain template, and that are not destined to fall into that category where it will resemble a pattern rather than a discovery and a revelation.
I like them because a discovery is much more important than secrecy and commodity.
I’ve written many times about comfort zone, one of the problems of 21st century. I like spontaneous people, people that are not afraid to be themselves and unravel their stories and experiences in a fashionable manner. And she certainly did unravel herself and her life to me, in an unforgettable and beautiful way.

It all started spontaneously. The second day of our virtual encounter, she started writing me on Skype for Business about her life. She told me people (she took Italians as an example) are not open. I could relate to that. I was positively shocked. I’ve never met a girl so open from the very start. Why did she do it? Maybe one day I will know. But she has her reasons. Maybe it was because of me. Maybe it was because of my surname (which she recognized it meant a flower). One thing it was certain, for whatever reasons she decided to share her life with me , it was her decision and it was Her. She didn’t even see me and I didn’t see her. But there was something. There was and there is a connection. And you recognize that from day one. Or the conversation goes well and you can relate to many things or there is something missing. I didn’t believe and it was surreal how can a virtual stranger be so open to a person she just met. Yes, I am perfectly aware that she might be lonely and she might be overly sincere and open to a point where it becomes weird. But I don’t care. Because she is very special. And special people are quite a rarity.

Fast forward to Saturday. I didn’t have the chance to write to her on Friday because it was my last working day before the holidays and I was quite busy. I wrote her a longer message, non traditional one, in my style, wishing her all the best for the holidays. 2 days no reply. But I knew that I had no reason to be left ignored, because I know myself and I know her (you might ask yourself but how does he know her, he never met her). I know her because I can read and study words, through words I know who to trust, what to believe and whether a person is real or not. Words tell you everything, together with body language, emotions and eyes. Yesterday she replied. She replied that she read my message twice because she didn’t want to miss any row of it. I instantly thought, compliments son, she must be impressed and you have every reason to be flattered.
I replied around 19:30. And we stayed until 00:30 exploring ourselves and exploring life and the world. She told me before that she gets easily bored around people. Something tells me that she wasn’t bored around me. Just by the intensity and the natural flow of conversation. And I can say with precision that she is one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met. Yes I never met her in real, yes she has a boyfriend (that from what I could notice she can’t relate to in the same way) but she is special. And yes sometimes I don’t fully agree with her point of view about certain things. But must I? There are clear signs that indicate and show that whatever we are having now is unique. And unique things in life make life beautiful. Make it worth leaving, and make us not just passengers in life but active participants in it. Because those type of things open your mind, and let you reflect, think and explore everything around you.

Yes, all of this might not end up in a relationship of a romantic nature, due to many different things. but things happen for a reason, and even she remains just a friend she might become one of my best friends ever. Because of the way she thinks, and the depth of her mind, character and personality.

Bow to you patriotic girl, you’ve made my Christmas magical.
In an unusual yet beautiful way, you’ve made it special.
Magic is everything, and you were the magician yesterday.
With an ease you were my Christmas addition.


Merry Christmas to each one of you, and may happy and positive moments always follow you. No matter with who you are, what are you doing, where are you, who are you, from the bottom of my heart enjoy it and be happy!