
I have just watched a YouTube video.

And this video as many of them was just a video. But at least this time it was a content worthy one. But wait, aren’t all videos content based and/or content worthy? What is a content worthy video anyway? It’s a very simple concept at least for me: a video that is worth watching and that you can actually learn or pick up something useful from. It was about Time and 10 principles of why Time is our most valuable resource.

But what is time? What does time consist of? Can it be expressed as only a linear formula of a sum of the past present and the future as many or the majority of us believe? Maybe. Maybe because some of us, with the right to do so, will define it not as a continuous and linear line with a deadline. Whether is a continuous or irregular it has an ending line. Whether that ending line is actually the beginning of another life and we reincarnate, or whether we as humans one day shift the clock for 180 degrees and start going back in life it’s not definitive. What is definitive at least for now, is that time is our most valuable resource and the time in the past is unalterable. The time in the present is transitory and the time in the future is uncertain. Now yes, many can think that we can control time and we can manage it better, live the way to the fullest etc, but in reality what we are managing is our lives not time. Because from the day we are born we are all given certain amount of time. How long do we have? Nobody knows. Why do we posses it? Again nobody can tell. What we can tell is how to use that time, our time.  It’s not a shared resource, it’s a resource of life that we as owners of life decide how to use it.

Just like I’ve decided to write this post and use the portion of the definitive portion of time that was given to me when I was born to compose it, you will decide whether you will read this post or just skip it. Or you will use it for getting out with your friends this Friday night, have sex with a really good looking guy/girl, go to the Mt Everest next year, study for your next exam, watch the best episode of Game of Thrones etc etc… A combination of many different things and memories is the constitute of our lives.  It’s those memories that are somehow the key. We think more and more about the future then the very past. And rarely about the past. Well without the past we can’t be what we will be in the future and certainly we can’t be where we are now. Before we reflect and spend time to assess everything we have done so far, everything that we want to do and we miss in order to be happy, check which mistakes and which were our key strengths and improve them constantly we can’t progress. We will waste our time on leisure and luxuries which contribute very little to our lives and don’t define us. Yes, I might read who Charlie Sheen shagged last, take my 29th selfie of the day, check the latest stylish fiasco of Kim Kardashian, watch the newest episode of Stranger Things and comment that with my friends, gossip the cashier that smiled at me at the store this morning but what’s the bottom line of that? How is that adding to my life? Yes it might be interesting, I might crack a joke, I might meet a new person and will contribute to my temporary happiness, but 3 hours later, that will be only 30 minutes subtracted and forever gone from my life. I am very aware that all of the above is not an absolute truth, and I know there might be many variations to it, but what this stranger is trying to say is focus on the now. And how. Don’t be preoccupied with it, but treat time as the resource with highest value. Take risks and don’t be too stressed about the future. We can lose money, and we can go bankrupt but if we lose time, we can’t make more. We can just add to that time we have and enrich it. With memories. Travel experiences. Actions. Worthy actions. Reading, training our minds, working what we want to work or working towards what we want to work. Dedicate into something that makes us happy, and that will permit us to smile after 10 years when we look back in the past and remember that exact moment which is now. Life is now. Yes we can have goals and we must set them, but we are busy just because we make ourselves busy. If you just say yes to everything and don’t leave time for the things you want in your life, that make you happy and bring you memories it doesn’t make sense and it’s not worth.

Because 15 years after, I won’t remember how many likes I had on my selfie on the 6th of September or how many money I had on my bank account, but I will very vaguely remember this post, or if I visited Mt Everest or if I drew the next Mona Lisa.


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